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164 Bank Street, Regent, Whangarei 0112

Postal address:
P O Box 1240, Whangarei 0140


+64 9 430 4870

Talk to our Whangarei insurance brokers about business and personal insurance across a range of industries. Local advice for SMEs, corporate and not for profit organisations.

  • Commercial vehicle, property, liability, business interruption, and professional indemnity insurance solutions
  • Cyber, rural, marine, construction and other specialist insurances
  • Home, contents, car, landlord and travel cover
  • Life and health protection
  • SME insurance packages
  • Claims support

Our brokers

Tom Dempster

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 9 470 0510

Gwenda Dingwall

Broker - Commercial

P +64 9 430 4870

Janelle Dingwall

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 9 430 4919

Louise Durrant

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 9 4304870

Serena Hoult

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 9 470 3224

Alvin Johnson

Business Development Manager

P +64 9 430 4870

Dave McGhee

Business Development Manager

P +64 9 470 0518

Kylie Mounter

Broker - Commercial

P +64 9 470 3225

Neville Pereira

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 9 430 4873

Jake Serotsky

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 9 430 4870

Paet Stevens

Executive Broker - Commercial

P +64 9 430 4872