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25 June 2019
Crombie Lockwood and Kiwis for kiwi have announced a partnership to reverse the population decline of New Zealand’s most iconic native species by opening a custom-built kiwi facility in Taupo.
The dedicated kiwi incubation, hatching and brooding facility, named the 'Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow', will enable Kiwis for kiwi to process more than 200 kiwi eggs annually once the facility becomes operational in October.
Crombie Lockwood CEO, Carl O’Shea, says he is excited to partner with an organisation working to safeguard such an iconic species:
“Our business is all about helping New Zealanders protect the things that are important to them and this partnership allows us to do this with a treasured national asset, on behalf of New Zealanders. It is a real privilege to be able to support the work of Kiwis for kiwi."
Credit - Kiwis for kiwi
The Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow was designed by leading kiwi incubation specialist Claire Travers, and will be located within the grounds of Wairakei Golf and Sanctuary, north of Taupo.
“We are delighted that we have found a partner in Crombie Lockwood who is as committed to saving kiwi as we are," said Kiwis for kiwi Executive Director, Michelle Impey.
"Their significant contribution will see a national centre of excellence for kiwi husbandry established which will also serve as an education facility for kiwi practitioners.
“Our strategy to accelerate kiwi numbers and reverse the decline is only going to be possible if we have the capacity to incubate, hatch and nurture the increased number of eggs coming through. The development of this new facility is a key component of the strategy that will allow us to do in 5-10 years what would have taken 50 years or more. We are getting closer to our goal of taking kiwi from endangered to everywhere,” said Ms Impey.
The 'Crombie Lockwood Kiwi Burrow' will incubate and hatch eggs collected from the Taranaki/Whanganui region and once the chicks can feed naturally – at around 21 days old – they will be relocated to build a founder population at Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain.
“Throughout our forty years of business we’ve kept the kiwi values we were founded on close to heart and we recognise how important conservation is to the country and the very real need to preserve our unique biodiversity. Every day we promise our clients that we will do the right thing by them and do our best to ensure their survival; we are dedicated to extending this commitment to Kiwis for kiwi.”
Credit - Department of Conservation