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Level 4, Bridgewater Building, 130 Grantham St, Hamilton 3204

Postal address:
PO Box 1395, Hamilton, 3240


+64 7 957 8600

Gallagher insurance brokers in Waikato provide trusted insurance advice and claims support. We're active in our community, and combine local knowledge and expertise with global connections to ensure our clients have the right cover. Contact a broker today.

  • Small business insurance
  • Car, home, and contents cover
  • Commercial property and asset protection
  • Liability and professional indemnity cover
  • Farm and lifestyle blocks
  • Bloodstock cover
  • Life and health insurance
  • Comprehensive insurance packages for SMEs and tradies
  • 24/7 claims support

Our brokers

Jo-Ane Barnard

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 838 0743

Teresa Barrett

Group Broking Manager - Personal Lines

P +64 7 957 8614

Laura Bartels

Senior Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 959 1346

Garima Batra

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 838 0742

Morgan Benson

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 838 5838

Kyle Booysen

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 957 8626

Dave Butchart

Senior Broker

P +64 7 838 5832

Kristen Cooper

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 838 0745

Andrew Dowdle

Group Broking Manager

P +64 7 957 8624

Sharleen Falconer

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 834 0324

Vanessa Florence

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 957 8622

Pavel Frolov

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 957 8618

Kate Gilchrist

Group Broking Manager - Commercial

P +64 7 957 8619

Karim Ismail

Group Broking Manager

P +64 7 957 8616

Georgia Jackson

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 957 8606

Jenna Jenkins

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 959 1359

Daniel Johnson

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 959 1350

Carlene Jones

Manager - Bloodstock

P +64 7 958 8632

Jamie Kennedy

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 958 8638

Michael Lee

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 959 1348

Simon Lockwood

Branch Director

P +64 7 957 8629

Quaid McGregor

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 959 1340

Matt Munro

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 957 8625

Jordan Nepia

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 839 0040

Les Nichols

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 838 2072

Kavishay Prasad

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 959 1355

Kristy Radford

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 959 1352

Emma Robinson

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 838 5837

Maria Robinson

Senior Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 838 2989

Vouchleang San

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 958 8631

Sarah Savage

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 959 1357

Beau Shilton

Broker - Commercial, Smart Business

P +64 7 957 8627

Hope Sumser-Lupson

Broker - Personal Lines

P +64 7 957 8601

Rachael Tuohy

Group Broking Manager

P +64 7 959 1354

Kim Veldsman

Broker - Commercial

P +64 7 838 5834

Lizzie Walker

Adviser - Life & Health, New Life

P +64 7 959 1349

Ken Williamson

Executive Broker

P +64 7 957 8602