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Public liability insurance

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Public liability cover for your business

Public liability insurance helps you find protection against legal liability and defence costs by arranging suitable cover for your business. It covers claims made by the public that happen in connection with your business activities.

Public liability insurance is often provided with product liability insurance. It ensures that, if necessary, you can pay compensation for accidental injury and property damage arising from your products or services.

Sometimes called “general liability insurance”, public liability can cover events ranging from minor workplace incidents to serious accidents.

Who needs public liability insurance?

Could your small business afford legal liability claims without proper insurance cover? Do your customers or potential clients expect you to hold public liability insurance?

If your business interacts with members of the public, has visitors on-site, or operates on client premises, public liability insurance is essential for protecting against risks.

For the trades industry, public liability cover is often mandatory before accessing worksites. You may require more than the minimum level of cover, so it’s sensible to review your public liability policy for each new contract.

If there is any chance that your business could potentially cause unexpected personal injury to third parties or accidental damage to property, talk to us about finding a suitable liability cover.

What public liability insurance covers

Business public liability insurance policy typically covers:

  • compensation payments for third-party injury or even death
  • repair or replacement costs for damaged property or possessions
  • medical treatment or an ambulance call-out
  • legal expenses while you’re defending public liability claims
  • defective work for businesses involved in trade occupations
  • personal injury or property damage arising from advice, services or training given free of charge.

Our local insurance brokers will help develop a liability insurance package tailored to your business needs.

Need to talk?
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0800 276 624

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Liability solutions

Public liability insurance

Protects your business in the event of claims made by the public in connection with your business activities.

Statutory liability

Statutory liability insurance can protect businesses against certain unintentional breaches of NZ law.

Employer's liability

Employer’s liability protects employers against claims brought by employees who have sustained a personal injury not covered by ACC.

Professional indemnity

Professional indemnity insurance is designed to cover professionals who provide advice.

Directors and officers liability

Director’s and officer's insurance protects your executives and board from personal financial risk.

Employment disputes

Employment disputes insurance protects employers against personal grievance claims brought by past or present employees.

Product liability

Product liability insurance protects against claims of personal injury or property damage caused by a business.

Crime and fidelity

Crime and fidelity insurance protect organisations from losses arising from dishonest acts committed by employees.

Trustees liability

Trustees liability insurance protects trustees from personal liability while carrying out duties performed for the trust.

Liability consequential loss

Responds to financial losses suffered by a business following a business interruption that's a result of a liability insurance claim.

Criminal defence legal costs

Provides cover for costs incurred in legal disputes brought against you, company officers and employers.

Internet liability

Internet liability insurance provides specialist protection often not covered in general liability policies.